Thursday, July 18, 2013

We were good sports all winter.... waited it out, and the Heat is on!

Hard to complain about the weather being hot without a few nasty remarks and snide looks. Okay, I get it, winter was LONG, and cold. But did we have to go from 50 degrees to 90 in such a short span of time? What happened to our spring? I enjoy watching the earth emerge from its long slumber known as winter, a few things budding at a time. A walk through Glendalough State Park to view the splendor of the spring (often with a little snow surrounding them) crocus flowers. Noticing the daily growth of the tree buds, creating the shield of shade we welcome with the heat that follows.

I am usually surprised by the extreme temperatures that winter brings, and always grateful for the respite we sometimes get in mid January from the bitter cold. I now find myself wishing for a tad bit of respite from the humidity and heat. It could be that what I am really wishing for is air conditioning. I can see why most people love the heat of the day, warmth of the lake, and activities and freedom that summer brings with it, but are they going home to air conditioning? Is that why they seem so agreeable to the warmer temperatures?

Ah, yes... the beauty of having both. I find my self wondering what temperatures may be like in different part of the world at this time of year. Do they follow our Fahrenheit gauge system? Many European countries adhere to the Celsius Temperature system when figuring out how hot, or cold it is. I suppose for us Westerners it would feel cooler if we just transposed our number a tad. On a typical 90 degree day in Minnesota, we could do a little temperature math to discover that in Celsius terms that is only 32.2 degrees... hey, I might not pine for that air conditioning if I can just trick my mind a bit.

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